Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Church antics

At church on Sunday, we sat beside a woman named Mary, whom as we found out, was a priest in the Anglican church in Kenya. She was dressed beautifully, elaborate wig and all, with a smile and energy to brighten anyone's day. Throughout the course of the service, she proceeded to take numerous pictures of us while singing, walked up to the front of the church and took many pictures of the choir singing, along with several pictures of the ministers (while preaching and administering communion, etc.)... and all of this on her cell phone! Of course, after each picture taken, she would smilingly return to her seat beside me and show me the picture, pointing out details that she enjoyed about the picture. She was hilarious. Mary definitely brought a smile to my face!

On the informative side, David and I attend an Anglican church that offers English services (the Kinyarwanda service takes place shortly after ours ends...and the English service is usually around 2 hours while the Kinyarwanda service is much longer, or so I have been told). A beautiful, fully-robed choir leads us in worship each week which is a highlight for me. We sing a combination of modern songs and older hymns - but all with energy, enthusiasm, and a heart of worship that is evident to those in attendance. Raising of hands and moving to the music are part and parcel. I love it!

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