Thursday, November 26, 2009

Locust Delight

Yet another plague has arrived... this time, locusts. One night: the usual army of ants, towering hills of termites, and groups of geckos. The next morning: an additional host of locusts added to the lengthy list of insects and the like. They were everywhere... and enormous! I couldn't walk the courtyard path without being bombarded by leaping locusts with every step. They lined the walls and floors, while occasionally lining me as well. Yikes! :)
That evening, they surrounded every white light they could find, circling the glowing lamps in hordes. Also surrounding the lights were Rwandese people with buckets. You see, they eat these locusts. They collect them and eat them as snacks. It was an amazing sight, to behold. And quite the culture-shocking experience to be sure: people gathering and eating large grasshoppers (as if it were Christmas-time and a feast to enjoy). How interesting! I haven't yet tried eating one...but perhaps I should ;)

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