Sunday, September 13, 2009

Insightful Children...

As a teacher, there is nothing better than knowing you've made a child's day better or equipped them with the tools to face life and do their best... Well, I had the most fantastic discussion I think I've ever had with a class just this Friday morning. The topic was focused on the Armor of God and the tools that Christ makes available to us to take a stand against the devil’s schemes. We studied Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 to base our discussion on. Some of these children have such valuable insights to offer and it is so exciting to see that come out! They shared stories of how they sometimes sense Satan's power in their lives and also shared stories as to how they deal with it. It was such an eye-opener for some, as they realized that God's power trumps all and also that this kind of spiritual warfare is more prevalent than assumed. We talked quite a bit about prayer - how to pray, the power of prayer, and that prayer in the name of Christ has ultimate power to defeat the devil. We also stopped our discussion on two different occasions and prayed together right then and there. It was amazing. Many of my students has such sincere hearts for God and it is such a blessing to me. They love holding hands in a circle to pray, something they had never done before I introduced it to them on the first day of school... and now they nearly beg me to do that with them each morning. It was so exciting to me, as a teacher, when at the close of our discussion many students enthusiastically declared that they love Bible class and that it is their favourite to learn about. Praise God! It is not by my power but by the Lord's...

1 comment:

  1. Pastor read this post this morning at Heritage Green. We are all so glad that you have these opportunities to witness faith in action. It's lovely hearing about all of your adventures, although I hope the ants cease their relentless advances!
