Saturday, September 5, 2009

School has begun...

School has begun and we are off to a great start together! My students really are fantastic already - so sweet, so hard-working, well-behaved, and desiring to do their best and serve God. I love it!

We started school this past Tuesday and though it has felt like a long week (it always does during the first week of school), it went very well. My expectations need to be altered as I have been repeatedly surprised with what they know/don't know as grade 5 students, but I look forward to the challenge. Math especially, should be fun :)

It is a challenge for me as a teacher who has relied upon technology in her teaching for the past 5 years in Canada... I am used to using a smartboard in the classroom everyday. Or at least, the use of an overhead machine. Here, I have use of a plastic sheet that is posted on the wall over a white wall - to be used with dry-erase markers. That will definitely take some getting used to!

Also, until we work out some more details with supervision/yard duty, I have been with my students almost every single minute of the day: from 8am to 3:10. Thankfully, they are a great group of kids to spend time with! ;) During one of the 2 recesses, my class plays outside without any other class (due to scheduling, etc). So, I have made it a pattern of playing some sort of game with them while out there. Mostly, I have played basketball in my barefeet (I would surely break my neck running around on the cobblestone in my heels!) with the boys. They seem to love it when I play on their team (though I'm not so sure why since my skills are most definitely surpassed by theirs!). I enjoy that time as well.

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